Monday, March 31, 2025

Court May Allow Concealed Carry in Major Cities



Welcome to The Caliber Chronicles. In our first article we wanted to share some recent court rulings and discuss changes that may be coming as a result of these lawsuits related to concealed carry in cities. This latest ruling actually expands on an earlier ruling that states that the 2nd amendment safeguards an individuals right to carry a firearm at home for self defense and protection. In this case this ruling expands on that earlier ruling and states that an individual may carry a concealed firearm outside the home. The ruling makes it clear that a person has a right to self defense whether or not they are inside their home. Earlier rulings stated that individuals could possess a firearm in the home whereas this latest ruling allows the same protections regardless of location.

New Ruling on Concealed Carry in Cities

This new ruling removes the limitation that a person’s right ends at their doorstep and allows carry anywhere that person may reside legally. This may affect cities and local governments ability to restrict firearms purchases and where firearms may be legally carried for self defense. It only makes sense that an individuals rights are an individual right and that governments cannot restrict how or where a persons self defense argument can be used.

While we don’t have have nationwide concealed carry, this ruling sets up a future court fight where we could see states rights limited when it comes to restrictions. In New York, the state required that applicants for a concealed carry permit show a reason for needing it. This conditional issue of permits directly infringed on an individuals right to protect themselves outside the home so this ruling is welcomed by those wishing to protect themselves irregardless of location which should be a natural born right.

“The constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not ‘a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees,’” wrote Justice Clarence Thomas. “We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need.” While we understand that some may view more guns in the publics hands as an issue, these attacks on individuals are usually carried out in no gun zones where the public can’t legally defend itself. While the left argues that more guns will equal more violence, statistics do not bear out this opinion, this is why mass shooters go after locations where they know firearms are not allowed to be carried.


We can only hope that future rulings will allow everyone this right in any state or city in which they may legally reside. Firearms rules, regulations, and laws change frequently, please keep an eye on the Legal section of The Caliber Chronicles for up to date information.

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